Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

jual cat kapal dan cat untuk heavy duty chugoku

jual cat kapal dan cat untuk heavy duty chugoku

Cat Chugoku Heavey duty and Marine

Cat chugoku asal Jepang khusus utk marine dan heavy duty... dijual dalam bermacam-macam warna dan satuan sesuai kebutuhan anda

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat kapal kayu kualitas nomor satu

jual cat kapal kayu kualitas nomor satu

Cat Kapal Kayu yang berkwalitas baik sangat diperlukan untuk membantu nelayan dalam memelihara kapal atau perahu mereka dari kerusakan dini akibat fouling. Seperti diketahui pada bagian kapal yang berhubungan denga air laut, badan kapal khususnya pada bagian lunas kapal sering kali ditumbuhi oleh mahluk laut sejenis kerang-kerangan dan juga ganggang atau jamur. Keadaan demikian umumnya akan mempengaruhi laju kapal dan bahkan bisa merusak badan kapal yang terbuat dari kayu, seperti pengeroposan.

Untuk membantu nelayan dalam hal perawatan kapal mereka dibutuhkan cat kapal yang berkwalitas. Ada banyak produk cat kapal atau marine paint yang tersedia di pasaran, diantaranya adalah produk Chugoku.

Chugoku mengeluarkan produk cat kapal kayu yaitu kamome SG Pink yang sangat efektif untuk menjaga kapal selalu bersih dan terhindar dari pertumbuhan fouling dan dapat bertahan dalam jangka waktu lebih lama.Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat anti karat kualitas nomor satu

jual cat anti karat kualitas nomor satu

Pipa-pipa dan tangki di Perusahaan Anda berkarat? Karat adalah salah satu masalah yang banyak dihadapi oleh banyak Perusahaan. Mungkin sudah berbagai cara Anda mencobanya dan belum berhasil. Solusinya adalah Anda memerlukan Cat Anti Karat yang berkualitas yaitu Chugoku. Untuk pengecatan SS 42 Stainless Steel. Jadi, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami dan kami akan memberikan solusi yang terbaik bagi Anda.
Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

jual pembersih cat untuk mobil merk kcc korea clear paint

jual pembersih cat untuk mobil merk kcc korea clear paint


Karat dari bodi mobil dihilangkan dengan pengobatan permukaan fisik, dan lapisan konversi kimia ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan adhesi dan mencegah karat pada baja. Cat elektro-deposisi adalah untuk mendapatkan film cat seragam dengan mencelupkan bodi mobil dalam elektro-deposisi melalui pretreatment permukaan. Setelah cat elektro-deposisi telah selesai, Primer surfacer dilakukan biasanya dengan lapisan elektrostatik. Top-coating (Base + Hapus pelapis) adalah proses finishing coating, dimana kinerja disampaikan untuk memenuhi berbagai kondisi dan ketat diperlukan untuk mobil serta penampilannya.

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat untuk mobil merk kcc korea kobacryl topcoat

jual cat untuk mobil merk kcc korea kobacryl topcoat

Topcoat Paints
Secara umum, mantel dilapisi basah-on-basah dengan lapisan dasar dan clear coat untuk memberikan penampilan ( gloss, halus ), warna, tahan cuaca, tahan gores dan tahan kimia. Biasanya, lapisan dasar dilapisi dengan ketebalan film 15 ~ 20 ㎛ dan mantel yang jelas untuk ketebalan film 35 ~ 45 ㎛. Kecenderungan dalam teknologi otomotif mantel di rumah dan di luar negeri adalah peralihan berkelanjutan untuk seri berair. Membuat cat dasar air menggunakan teknologi yang banyak tersedia 20 tahun yang lalu, tetapi ditunda di negeri ini karena keterlambatan dalam undang-undang peraturan VOC dan incompletion renovasi fasilitas di industri otomotif. Tapi seperti undang-undang divisualisasikan dan peralihan ke seri berair dalam industri otomotif dipercepat, basis larut dalam air yang diproduksi dan diterapkan dalam jumlah besar di Pabrik Hyundai Asan untuk pertama kalinya pada bulan Juni 2004. Hingga Februari 2011, dalam kasus mobil Hyundai, 70% dari output domestik mobil dan sekitar 90% dari output luar negeri yang diproduksi menggunakan cat air. Sekarang dunia teknologi otomotif terkemuka KCC sedang diterapkan di seluruh pabrik Hyundai Motor Company.

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat untuk mobil merk kcc korea costere surfacer

jual cat untuk mobil merk kcc korea costere surfacer

Sebuah cat surfacer menanamkan kehalusan untuk film cat dan tahan cuaca dan chipping perlawanan terhadap memantul batu untuk memperpanjang daya tahan bodi mobil. Komponen utama dari cat surfacer umumnya poliester atau serangkaian metamorf urethane, dan mobil yang dilapisi dengan ketebalan sekitar 30 ~ 40 ㎛ untuk memberikan ketahanan chipping dengan film cat dan memperbaiki penampilan dari mantel, kelengketan dan tahan karat. Dengan menyadari ketahanan chipping sangat baik, surfacer mobil KCC telah menerima tanggapan positif dari pelanggan. KCC juga telah memasok surfacer berair sejak 2006 karena usaha teknologi ramah lingkungan tersebut.

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat untuk mobil merk kcc korea edion

jual cat untuk mobil merk kcc korea edion


Cat elektro-deposisi (kationik) telah digunakan sebagai primer untuk hampir semua badan mobil, sejak pertama kali digunakan pada tahun 1976, karena karakteristiknya yang bagus. Secara umum, sebagai epoxy polyamine / isosianat seri resin, itu menanamkan tahan karat dan ketahanan chipping pada bodi mobil dan melapisi mobil dalam ketebalan film sekitar 18 ~ 35 ㎛. Sebuah tren terbaru dalam teknologi elektro-deposisi termasuk memperluas bebas timah cat elektro-deposisi karena peraturan lingkungan, pengembangan suhu jenis cat elektro-deposisi yang lebih rendah (130 ~ 140 ℃) dalam menanggapi diversifikasi substrat bodi mobil, dan perkembangan resistensi pelapukan cat elektro-deposisi tinggi dan film tipis elektro-deposisi cat (ultra-daya lempar Tinggi). Saat ini sebagian besar domestik garis elektro-deposisi otomotif telah beralih ke bebas timah, dan bebas timah elektro-depostion sedang diterapkan untuk sekitar 90% dari mobil di seluruh dunia. KCC elektro-deposisi cat dikembangkan pada tahun 1984 melalui kemitraan teknis dengan Herberts-Vianova. Setelah lima peraturan logam berat dari Uni Eropa, KCC dikembangkan dan diterapkan Pb gratis cat elektro-deposisi ramah lingkungan (ED2100) sekitar tahun 2000 dan dikembangkan dan diterapkan tahan karat cat elektro-deposisi yang tinggi (daya lempar Tinggi) (ED3000HT / ECO1000) sebagai standar anti korosi otomotif diperkuat.

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat tahan jamur bahan kimia merk kcc korea Spothane Waterproofing Coat

jual cat tahan jamur bahan kimia merk kcc korea Spothane Waterproofing Coat

Spothane Waterproofing Coat adalah dua komponen, resin poliuretan berbasis lapisan kedap air dengan daya rekat sangat bagus dan perpanjangan untuk memberikan adaptasi untuk memecahkan substrat.


Ini memiliki fungsi yang baik elastisitas dan efek waterproofing baik.

Sangat cocok / sesuai untuk dinding beton, karena daya tahannya sangat kuat.

Concrete CoatingNameThickness[mm]
PrimerSpothane Primer0.05
Middle CoatSpothane waterproofing coat KS class 13
Final CoatSpothane topcoat0.05

Direkomendasikan untuk   :   Atap Beton dan semua tekstur bangunan yang kedap air

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat untuk lantai tahan jamur bahan kimia merk kcc korea Spothane High strength floor coat

jual cat untuk lantai tahan jamur bahan kimia merk kcc korea Spothane High strength floor coat

Spothane High strength floor coat adalah dua komponent, cepat kering, Poly akrilik resin uretan berbasis debu melapisi lantai dengan pengerjaan yang sangat baik dan ketahanan terhadap pelapukan, abrasi, bahan kimia dan retak.


Ini memiliki fungsi yang baik elastisitas.

Ia memiliki daya tahan yang kuat abrasi, dan tahan kimia.

Concrete CoatingNameThickness[mm]
PrimerSpothane Primer0.05
Middle CoatSpothane high hard layer midcoat3
Final CoatSpothane high hard layer topcoat0.05
Direkomendasikan Untuk   :  Pabrik pabrik dengan tingkat korosi tinggi

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat untuk lantai tahan jamur bahan kimia merk kcc korea Unipoxy Acid Resistance

jual cat untuk lantai tahan jamur bahan kimia merk kcc korea Unipoxy Acid Resistance

Unipoxy Acid Resistance adalah  lapisan epoxy lantai yang memiliki beragam resistensi terhadap bahan kimia dan asam. Ini khusus memberikan ketahanan kimia yang baik dan tahan asam dengan daya tahan tinggi, dampak dan ketahanan abrasi.

Direkomendasikan untuk   :

lapisan lantai untuk di laboratorium, rumah sakit, dan pabrik pabrik kimia atau pabrik yang korosi nya tinggi.

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat tembok exterior untuk kolam renang merk kcc korea hyperurea

jual cat tembok exterior untuk kolam renang merk kcc korea hyperurea

Hyperurea adalah dua komponen polyurea resin lapisan kedap air berbasis dengan kekuatan yang sangat baik.


Its waktu curing untuk kekerasannya sangat pendek, sehingga masa konstruksi bisa sangat jauh berkurang.
Ia memiliki sifat mekanik yang baik seperti kekuatan tarik, kekuatan sobek, resistensi dampak, adhesi.

Sebagai lapisan kedap air untuk area yang terkena atap dan bagian lain dari bangunan.

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea Supro Durasense

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea Supro Durasense

Supro Durasense adalah cat emulsi akrilik murni berbasis air. Hal ini diformulasikan untuk memiliki tahan alkali dan jamur, daya tahan yang sangat baik, tahan luntur warna dan tahan kotoran.

Sangat cocok untuk semua permukaan eksterior batu baru atau dicat sebelumnya seperti batu bata, plester, semen dan rendering. Hal ini puas dengan 9755-2011 Kelas 1 GB standar. Ini tidak mengandung logam berat dan merupakan produk ramah lingkungan yang puas dengan standar HJ / T 201-2005.

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea Supro Gloss Paint

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea Supro Gloss Paint

Supro Gloss Paint adalah cat berbasis air untuk finishing yang tinggi dekoratif mengkilap dan berisi Acryl Emulsi Resin sebagai komponen utama. Its adalah cat berbasis air yang ramah lingkungan.

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea Supro SE

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea Supro SE

Supro SE "adalah cat berbasis air untuk Exterior dan finishing yang interior dan mengandung resin Emulsi Acryl sebagai komponen utama. Hal ini diformulasikan untuk tahan alkali dan daya tahan yang baik.

Sangat cocok untuk semua permukaan eksterior batu baru atau dicat sebelumnya, seperti bata, plester, semen.


Sebuah Exterior & finishing cat interior termasuk mortar beton dan semen untuk rumah sakit, sekolah, apartemen dan lembaga publik.

Untuk Informasi Lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi saya, DIDIK MARJADI  SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea timberwarna

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea timberwarna

Product Details
Timberwarna is a high quality, durable emulsion paint for direct application for both interior and exterior woods and timber substrate,including fences, barge-boards, facials, wood walls and cladding. Its also can be used onto galvanized iron such as gutter and roof sheets.
Description :Timberwarna is a one pack, fast drying modified epoxy based etching primer formulated for application over galvanized, aluminium, cold roll steel and stainless steelworks. Timberwarna has excellent adhesion and anti corrosion properties to most common metals and accept a wide range of topcoats like alkyds, epoxies, polyurethanes, acrylics, chlorinated rubber paints etc.
Uses :Timberwarna is a high quality, durable emulsion paint for direct application for both interior and exterior woods and timber substrate, including fences, barge-boards, facials, wood walls and cladding. Its also can be used onto galvanized iron such as gutter and roof sheets.
Features :* Durable matt finish
* Excellent adhesion – with added penetrating aids additives
* Excellent weathering and colour fastness properties
* Algae and fungus resistance.
* Water based – VOC compliance
Physical Properties 
FinishMatt finish
ColorRefer to KCC colour card
Specific gravity1.25 to 1.30, depending on colour
Volume SolidsApproximate 35%
No of coats2
Theoretical Coverage
( When computing actual coverage,please allow for application losses, surface irregularities etc.)
Apply at 8 to 10 m2/litre depending on surface texture and porosity.
Drying Time at 25Cto touch : 15 to 30 minutes.
to recoat : 45 to 60 minutes.
Application Details
Recommended Sealer / PrimerWood substrate – NOT REQUIRED / Polyetch 100 for galvanized iron.
EquipmentBrush or Roller or Conventional Spray
ThinningFor normal use, thinning is usually not necessary. If required, add up to 1 part of clean water to 10 parts of paint (10%)
Surface PreparationFor wood substrate - Surface must be sound, clean, as dry as possible and free from all defective or poorly adhering materials, dirt, grease or wax and be thoroughly rubbed down using a suitable abrasive paper in the direction of the grain and dusted off. Clean all the dirt, mould, algae, and lichen or moss with a wire brush.
Consist of two packing sizes: 1 liter, 5 liters
Use Water
StorageIf stored in dry in unopened containers, a shelf life of approximately 12 months could be accepted.
Safety Precaution
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Wear suitable protective clothing such as overalls during painting. Provide good ventilation during application. Keep container closed when not in used.
This product is not flammable. Keep out of Reach of Children.
Production InformationAlthough the basic formulation of our products generally remains unchanged, production refinements arising from continuing research and evaluation programmers may occasionally result in marginal changes in properties. Specifies and applicators are therefore requested to ensure that the reference literature in their possession is the most current version for the product under consideration.
Technical ServiceKCC maintains a technical division to investigate and advise on all problems related to admixtures. The division will advise on the selection of and specification for the required system. Contact the division through KCC branches as shown overleaf.

·         Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi kami, DIDIK MARJADI SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea koresil 400

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea koresil 400

Product Details
Koresil 400 is a fast drying quality water borne acrylic wall sealer for both interior and exterior application. Koresil 400 is alkali resistant, good opacity, has excellent adhesion and able to minimize the risk of efflorescent and seals off the substrate.
Recommend Use: Koresil - 400 is specially formulated for both interior and exterior plastered wall and masonry. It is suitable for new or previously painted masonry surface such as brickwork, plaster, cement, rendering and asbestos.Technical Information 
ColorWhite only
Volume SolidsApprox. 50% (nominal).
Flash PointNon-flammable
Specific gravity1.55.
Viscosity80 - 100 K.U.
Alkali resistantVery Good.
Water resistantVery Good.
Water Vapor PermeabilityGood.
Shelf life12 months.
Application Details
Application MethodsRoller, brush or Spray gun.
Mixing ratio (by volume)The paint is ready for use after thorough stirring. If thinning is required, clean water may be added up to a max 5%.
Thinner / cleanerClean water.
Dry to touch15-20 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.
Hard dry30-60 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.
Dry to recoat2 hours.
Theoretical spreading rate10 m2 / liter.
Practical spreading rate (depend surface porosity)8 m2 / liter(20% loss factor).
Wet film thickness80 microns.
Dry film thickness40 microns.
Surface PreparationNew and bare surfaceNew plastered surfaces must be allowed to dry thoroughly at least 28 days or less than 12% moisture content as measured with a moisture meter. All surfaces to be painted must be sound, dry, clean and free of oil, grease, dirt, mildew, form release agents, curing compounds and other foreign substrates.
Previously painted surface
All loose or defective paint or powdery residues shall be thoroughly rubbed down using a suitable abrasive paper and dusted off. Make good any minor surface imperfection with suitable putty or filler. Ensure surface is dry, clean, dirt free, no grease or wax before application of any paint. Porous surface with high absorption should first primed with Koresil 400 or Koresil 401 sealers.
Typical Painting System
Surface conditionSealer (1 coat)Finishing (2 coats)
New and bare surfaceKoresil 400 or Koresil 401Korevon / Korevon-Silk / Korevon-Lite /
MediSilk 4-IN-1 / Koreton-Matt
Previously painted surfaceKoresil 400 or Koresil 401Korevon / Korevon-Silk / Korevon-Lite /
MediSilk 4-IN-1 / Koreton-Matt
Storage and Packaging
StorageThe product must be kept in a cool and well-ventilated place protected from direct sunlight. Container must be kept tightly close.
HandlingHandle with care. Stir well before use.
Pack Size5 liters & 20 liters.
Safety Precaution
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep container closed when no in use. Provide good ventilation during application. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Do not empty into drains or water courses,Keep out of Reach of Children.

·         Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi kami, DIDIK MARJADI SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea RoofCare

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea RoofCare

Product Details
RoofCare is a highly durable 100% acrylic roof tile finish formulated wit excellent light – fast, fungus resistant, low dirt collection and alkali-resistant pigment. It is easy to apply and form a smooth tough film.
Recommend Use: RoofCare is specially formulated for protection and decoration of old and new roofs such as cement fiber sheet, metal roof and unglazed roof tile. It is not recommended for glazed tile.Technical Information 
FinishMid sheen finish
ColorAccording to standard color card.
Volume SolidsApprox. 40% (nominal), depends on color.
Flash PointNon-flammable
Specific gravity1.19 - 1.27(Depends on Colour).
Viscosity85 - 105 K.U.
Fungus and algae resistantExcellent.
Alkali resistantGood.
Water resistantGood.
Shelf life12 months.
Application Details
Application MethodsRoller, brush or Spray gun.
Mixing ratio (by volume)The paint is ready for use after thorough stirring. For painting under hot tiles, thin up to 20% of clean water.
Thinner / cleanerClean water.
Dry to touch1 hour, depending on ambient temperature.
Hard dry3 hours, depending on ambient temperature.
Dry to recoat4 hours (min).
Theoretical spreading rate10 - 11 m2 / liter.
Practical spreading rate (depend surface porosity)8 - 9 m2 / liter(20% loss factor).
Wet film thickness80 - 100 microns.
Dry film thickness32 - 40 microns.
Surface PreparationAll loose or defective paint, rust or powdery residues shall be removed by brushing and scrapping using a stiff fiber brush or high pressured water jet. Any area affected by mould, algae, lichen, moss and fungus shall be treated with KCC fungicidal solution. Make good any minor surface imperfection with suitable exterior grade putty or sealant. Ensure surface is dry, clean, free from dirt, grease or wax before application of any paint. Porous surface with high absorption should first primed with Koresil 400 sealers.
Typical Painting System
SubstrateSealer / Primer (1 coat)Finishing (2 coats)
Cement fiber sheet / unglazed roof tileKoresil 400 or Koresil 401RoofCare
Metal roofingKCC Zinc Chromate PrimerRoofCare
Storage and Packaging
StorageThe product must be kept in a cool and well-ventilated place protected from direct sunlight. Container must be kept tightly close.
HandlingHandle with care. Stir well before use.
Pack Size5 liters
Safety Precaution
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep container closed when no in use. Provide good ventilation during application. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Do not empty into drains or water courses,Keep out of Reach of Children.

·         Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi kami, DIDIK MARJADI SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea koreton plus

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea koreton plus

Product Details
Koreton-Plus is a P.V.A. based latex interior emulsion paint specially formulated for housing schemes where economy is important. It is designed to provide a smooth and highly decorative finishing with excellent opacity.
Recommend Use: Koreton- Plus is suitable for all normal interior wall including brickwork, cement, wallboard, plaster and ceiling surface.Technical Information 
ColorAccording to standard color card.
Volume SolidsApprox. 36% (nominal), depends on color.
Flash PointNon-flammable
Specific gravity1.48 - 1.50(Depends on Colour).
Viscosity100 - 110 K.U.
Shelf life12 months.
Application Details
Application MethodsRoller, brush or Spray gun.
Mixing ratio (by volume)The paint is ready for use after thorough stirring. If thinning is required, thin up to 5% of clean water.
Thinner / cleanerClean water.
Dry to touch20-30 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.
Hard dry45-60 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.
Dry to recoat1  - 2 hours.
Theoretical spreading rate7 -8 m2 / liter.
Practical spreading rate (depend surface porosity)6 - 7 m2 / liter(20% loss factor).
Wet film thickness111 microns.
Dry film thickness40 microns.
Surface PreparationNew and bare surfaceNew plastered surfaces must be allowed to dry thoroughly at least 28 days or less than 12% moisture content as measured with a moisture meter. All surfaces to be painted must be sound, dry, clean and free of oil, grease, dirt, mildew, form release agents, curing compounds and other foreign substrates.
Previously painted surface
All loose or defective paint or powdery residues shall be thoroughly rubbed down using a suitable abrasive paper and dusted off. Make good any minor surface imperfection with suitable putty or filler. Ensure surface is dry, clean, dirt free, no grease or wax before application of any paint.
Typical Painting System
Surface conditionSealer (1 coat)Finishing (2 coats)
New and bare surfaceKoresil 400Koreton-Plus
Previously painted surfaceKoresil 400Koreton-Plus
Storage and Packaging
StorageThe product must be kept in a cool and well-ventilated place protected from direct sunlight. Container must be kept tightly close.
HandlingHandle with care. Stir well before use.
Pack Size1 liters, 7 liters & 18 liters.
Safety Precaution
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep container closed when no in use. Provide good ventilation during application. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Do not empty into drains or water courses,Keep out of Reach of Children.

·         Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi kami, DIDIK MARJADI SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea MediSilk

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea MediSilk

Product Details
Medisilk 4-IN-1 is a premium, anti-bacteria elastomeric water borne low gloss modified vinyl acrylic finish. It has the following outstanding features as suggested by its name:
  • Flexible to cover hairline cracks.
  • Excellent washability.
  • Anti-bacteria and Fungus resistant.
  • Excellent water proofing on vertical wall.
Recommend Use: MediSilk 4-IN-1 is specially formulated for interior application to provide a smooth aesthetic finishing and also to provide protection from bacteria, especially for hospital, clinic, restaurant, homes, school, nursery, etc to promote a better hygiene and where health environment is concerned.
Technical Information 
FinishLow gloss
ColorAccording to standard color card. Also available in KCC ColorBank ATM range.
Volume SolidsApprox. 40% (nominal), depends on color.
Flash PointNon-flammable
Specific gravity1.12 - 1.22(Depends on Colour).
Viscosity85 - 105 K.U.
Alkali resistantGood.
Water resistantGood.
Shelf life12 months.
Application Details
Application MethodsRoller, brush or Spray gun.
Mixing ratio (by volume)The paint is ready for use after thorough stirring. For sealing new or bare surface thin up to 10% of clean water.
Thinner / cleanerClean water.
Dry to touch45-60 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.
Hard dry2 hours, depending on ambient temperature.
Dry to recoat6  - 7 hours.
Theoretical spreading rate5 -6 m2 / liter.
Practical spreading rate (depend surface porosity)4 - 5 m2 / liter(20% loss factor).
Wet film thickness175 microns.
Dry film thickness70 microns.
Surface PreparationNew and bare surfaceNew plastered surfaces must be allowed to dry thoroughly at least 28 days or less than 12% moisture content as measured with a moisture meter. All surfaces to be painted must be sound, dry, clean and free of oil, grease, dirt, mildew, form release agents, curing compounds and other foreign substrates.
Previously painted surface
All loose or defective paint or powdery residues shall be thoroughly rubbed down using a suitable abrasive paper and dusted off. Make good any minor surface imperfection with suitable putty or filler. Ensure surface is dry, clean, dirt free, no grease or wax before application of any paint.
Typical Painting System
Surface conditionSealer (1 coat)Finishing (2 coats)
New and bare surfaceKoresil 400 or Koresil 401MediSilk 4-IN-1
Previously painted surfaceKoresil 400 or Koresil 401MediSilk 4-IN-1
Storage and Packaging
StorageThe product must be kept in a cool and well-ventilated place protected from direct sunlight. Container must be kept tightly close.
HandlingHandle with care. Stir well before use.
Pack Size5 liters
Safety Precaution
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep container closed when no in use. Provide good ventilation during application. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Do not empty into drains or water courses,Keep out of Reach of Children.

·         Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi kami, DIDIK MARJADI SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea korevon lite

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea korevon lite

Product Details
Korevon-Lite is a premium interior modified acrylic wall finish with excellent flow and highly durable smooth matt finish. It has good stain resistance and withstand moderately vigorous washing.
Recommend Use: Korevon-Lite is suitable for all normal interior wall including brickwork, cement, wallboard, plaster and ceiling surface but not suitable for uses in areas subject to frequent or heavy condensation as found in bathroom and some kitchen.Technical Information 
ColorAccording to standard color card. Also available in KCC ColorBank ATM range.
Volume SolidsApprox. 36% (nominal), depends on color.
Flash PointNon-flammable
Specific gravity1.26 - 1.32(Depends on Colour).
Viscosity85 - 105 K.U.
Alkali resistantGood.
Water resistantModerate.
Shelf life12 months.
Application Details
Application MethodsRoller, brush or Spray gun.
Mixing ratio (by volume)The paint is ready for use after thorough stirring. If thinning is required, thin up to 5% of clean water.
Thinner / cleanerClean water.
Dry to touch20-30 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.
Hard dry45-60 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.
Dry to recoat1  - 2 hours.
Theoretical spreading rate10 -11 m2 / liter.
Practical spreading rate (depend surface porosity)8 - 9 m2 / liter(20% loss factor).
Wet film thickness111 microns.
Dry film thickness40 microns.
Surface PreparationNew and bare surfaceNew plastered surfaces must be allowed to dry thoroughly at least 28 days or less than 12% moisture content as measured with a moisture meter. All surfaces to be painted must be sound, dry, clean and free of oil, grease, dirt, mildew, form release agents, curing compounds and other foreign substrates.
Previously painted surface
All loose or defective paint or powdery residues shall be thoroughly rubbed down using a suitable abrasive paper and dusted off. Make good any minor surface imperfection with suitable putty or filler. Ensure surface is dry, clean, dirt free, no grease or wax before application of any paint.
Typical Painting System
Surface conditionSealer (1 coat)Finishing (2 coats)
New and bare surfaceKoresil 400 or Koresil 401Korevon-Lite
Previously painted surfaceKoresil 400 or Koresil 401Korevon-Lite
Storage and Packaging
StorageThe product must be kept in a cool and well-ventilated place protected from direct sunlight. Container must be kept tightly close.
HandlingHandle with care. Stir well before use.
Pack Size5 liters & 20 liters.
Safety Precaution
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep container closed when no in use. Provide good ventilation during application. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Do not empty into drains or water courses,Keep out of Reach of Children.

·         Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi kami, DIDIK MARJADI SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea korevon silk

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea korevon silk

Product Details
Korevon-Silk is a premium quality, highly durable and washable interior acrylic with low sheen finish. It has excellent flow and levelling that provides a smooth and highly decorative silk-like finishing.
Recommend Use: Korevon-Silk is specially formulated to withstand moderately vigorous washing. It is suitable for all normal interior wall and ceiling surface but not suitable for uses in areas subject to frequent or heavy condensation as found in bathroom and some kitchen.Technical Information 
FinishHigh Sheen
ColorAccording to standard color card. Also available in KCC ColorBank ATM range.
Volume SolidsApprox. 35% (nominal), depends on color.
Flash PointNon-flammable
Specific gravity1.29 - 1.34(Depends on Colour).
Viscosity80 - 100 K.U.
Alkali resistantGood.
Water resistantGood.
Shelf life12 months.
Application Details
Application MethodsRoller, brush or Spray gun.
Mixing ratio (by volume)The paint is ready for use after thorough stirring. For sealing new or bare surface thin up to 10% of clean water.
Thinner / cleanerClean water.
Dry to touch15-30 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.
Hard dry30-60 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.
Dry to recoat2 hours.
Theoretical spreading rate10 -12 m2 / liter.
Practical spreading rate (depend surface porosity)8 - 10 m2 / liter(20% loss factor).
Wet film thickness100 microns.
Dry film thickness40 microns.
Surface PreparationNew and bare surfaceNew plastered surfaces must be allowed to dry thoroughly at least 28 days or less than 12% moisture content as measured with a moisture meter. All surfaces to be painted must be sound, dry, clean and free of oil, grease, dirt, mildew, form release agents, curing compounds and other foreign substrates.
Previously painted surface
All loose or defective paint or powdery residues shall be thoroughly rubbed down using a suitable abrasive paper and dusted off. Make good any minor surface imperfection with suitable putty or filler. Ensure surface is dry, clean, dirt free, no grease or wax before application of any paint.
Typical Painting System
Surface conditionSealer (1 coat)Finishing (2 coats)
New and bare surfaceKoresil 400 or Koresil 401Korevon-Silk
Previously painted surfaceKoresil 400 or Koresil 401Korevon-Silk
Storage and Packaging
StorageThe product must be kept in a cool and well-ventilated place protected from direct sunlight. Container must be kept tightly close.
HandlingHandle with care. Stir well before use.
Pack Size5 liters & 20 liters.
Safety Precaution
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep container closed when no in use. Provide good ventilation during application. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Do not empty into drains or water courses,Keep out of Reach of Children.

·         Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi kami, DIDIK MARJADI SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea korevon

jual cat tembok interior dan exterior merk kcc korea korevon

Product Details
Korevon is a premium, algae and weather 100% acrylic wall finish formulated to provide at least 5 years protection for exterior wall surfaces. Korevon acrylic exterior wall finish is alkali resistant, has excellent adhesion, improved dirt resistant property and pigmented with light stable colorant that provides a smooth and highly decorative finishing. Approved by SIRIM to Malaysia Standard MS 134:1989
Recommend Use: Korevon is specially formulated for exterior plastered wall and masonry. It is suitable for new or previously painted masonry surfaces such as brickwork, plaster, cement, rendering and asbestos.Technical Information 
FinishLow sheen finish
ColorAccording to standard color card. Also available in KCC ColorBank ATM range.
Volume SolidsApprox. 35% (nominal), depends on color.
Flash PointNon-flammable
Specific gravity1.18 - 1.31(Depends on Colour).
Viscosity85 - 105 K.U.
Fungus and algae resistantExcellent.
Alkali resistantGood.
Water resistantGood.
Scrub resistantGood.
Shelf life12 months.
Application Details
Application MethodsRoller, brush or Spray gun.
Mixing ratio (by volume)The paint is ready for use after thorough stirring. For sealing new or bare surface thin up to 10% of clean water.
Thinner / cleanerClean water.
Dry to touch15-30 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.
Hard dry30-60 minutes, depending on ambient temperature.
Dry to recoat2 hours.
Theoretical spreading rate10 m2 / liter.
Practical spreading rate (depend surface porosity)8 m2 / liter(20% loss factor).
Wet film thickness100 microns.
Dry film thickness35 microns.
Surface PreparationNew and bare surfaceNew plastered surfaces must be allowed to dry thoroughly at least 28 days or less than 12% moisture content as measured with a moisture meter. All surfaces to be painted must be sound, dry, clean and free of oil, grease, dirt, mildew, form release agents, curing compounds and other foreign substrates.
Previously painted surface
All loose or defective paint or powdery residues shall be removed by brushing and scrapping using a stiff fiber brush or high pressured water jet. Any area affected by mould, algae, lichen, moss and fungus shall be treated with KCC fungicidal solution. Make good any minor surface imperfection with suitable exterior grade putty or sealant. Ensure surface is dry, clean, free from dirt, grease or wax before application of any paint. Porous surface with high absorption should first primed with Koresil 400 or Koresil 401 sealers.
Typical Painting System
Surface conditionSealer (1 coat)Finishing (2 coats)
New and bare surfaceKoresil 400 or Koresil 401Korevon
Previously painted surfaceKoresil 400 or Koresil 401Korevon
Storage and Packaging
StorageThe product must be kept in a cool and well-ventilated place protected from direct sunlight. Container must be kept tightly close.
HandlingHandle with care. Stir well before use.
Pack Size5 liters & 20 liters.
Safety Precaution
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep container closed when no in use. Provide good ventilation during application. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Do not empty into drains or water courses,Keep out of Reach of Children.

·         Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi kami, DIDIK MARJADI SURABAYA Tlp.03172465871 ( FLEXI ), 081252380319 ( SIMPATI ), 081554189664 ( INDOSAT ) , 087855734837 ( XL )

Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

jual cat untuk interior dan exterior

jual cat untuk interior dan exterior


1Wall Paint (Emulsion Interior)
2Wall Paint (Emulsion Exterior & Interior)
Hilac Cote
Hilac Tropicshield
3Wood or Steel Paint
Silkgloss Doff
Hilac High Gloss Doff
4Roof PaintGusanaCryl
5Water Proof
Watershield (Transparent)
Watershield (Color)
6Water Repellent for stone
Hilac Acrysol
Hilac Acrysol Doff
7Epoxy Base for Car’s BodyHilac Epoxy Primer
8Anti-Corrosive Coating for car (Underbody)
Hilac Underseal H1000
Hilac Underseal H2000
9Zinchromate (Anti Corrosive basic coating)Hilac Zinchromate
10ThinnerHilac Thinner Super Gloss